Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast Bowl | Quick & Healthy

Good morning lovelies, 

I woke up today feeling very motivated and also very hungry, and decided that I should use my morning time to not only have a healthy breakfast, but to actually also make it look quite nice. I know it can be quite hard taking the time to make a proper breakfast, especially when you are in a rush, but I can honestly say that this took me 5 minutes maximum. If you are a fruit lover and have a sweet tooth like I do, here is a little inspiration as to what your morning could look like

- 100g (or more, whatever you crave) frozen berries
- 1 frozen banana
- a shot of almond milk 
- 1 apple
- Goji berries
- cinnamon
- mini amarettini

How to: All you have to do is throw your frozen fruit into a blender, with a shot of almond milk (you might have to add more later, depending on the consistency) and mix it through. It should turn into something close to ice cream, which you then pour into your bowl. Now you can decorate your bowl however you would like. I added a few slices of apple, a handful of goji berries and a couple of mini amarettinis (if you know me, you'll know that these are my guilty pleasure). 

Goji berries are known as a superfood and have been used in Chinese Medicine for over 6,000 years!! They're rich in vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin A, iron, selenium and a few other antioxidants. 

Also, on the note of eating healthy; I have been reading up on Atilla Hildmann's 'Vegan for youth' book, which is super informative on why you should go vegan, how to start, and many recipes to follow! Check it out if you're interested :)

Britta xx

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